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My Background

I was born in Prince Georges County to two loving parents. Both being immigrants to the country of Ghana, they really valued education and always tried to push my little sister and I to work our hardest at all times. They made sure that we got the some of the best public education that can be found in the state of Maryland. They raised my sister and I in Howard County, Maryland and we attended HCPSS schools for our whole lives. Being Ghanaian-American, my experience of being a Black in America is a little different than what most go through. However, I strongly believe that it has been through those experiences that I have been able to excel in a lot of what I do.

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I have so much that I want to achieve in my life. My mind is constantly thinking of ways that I could impact the lives of others around me. My ultimate goal is to be of service to every and anyone that I come across. I want to make sure that in one way or another, I am able to help people accomplish things no matter how big or small the issue. I aspire to become an individual who is able to do everything in my being to give what I have to help others. Whether it be with my time, money, or knowledge. I aspire to be an individual who people look at and begin to see the bigger picture of this thing we call life.

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Music has been something that I have clung onto for as long as I can remember. It is one of the only ways that I have been able to express myself fully. Being a part of the singing group shown above has been one of the most important things that I have ever done in my life. Other passions that I have include taking pictures, helping others, and spending time with friends and family.

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About: Work
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